Thursday, February 18, 2010

Common Sense!

"Common sense told us that when you put a big tax on something, that people will produce less of it. So, we cut the people's tax rates, and the people produced more then ever before. The economy bloomed like a plant that could be cut back and could now grow quicker and stronger." -Ronald Reagan

History has proven itself time and time again. Civilzations have come and gone and one would assume that America will follow down a similiar path. It does not have to though. You see, we started different. We were given guidelines, a set of ideals that were laid before us to help later generations succeed. However, like instructions that come in the box of your new favorite gadget, they have been tossed aside. They can help you, teach you, and get the gadget perform better but self intuitioin takes over. Well, America has tossed aside the manual. The Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and every other important document has been tossed aside by the current administration.

It's time for change though. It's time to come back to the manuals and figure out why America isn't running the way things should be. It starts with one crucial step, taking our worries to the polls in November. If we could take seats away from those who have tossed aside the ideas that have worked in the past, and fill them with those Americans that care more about the people then money and polls. Then, and only then we will see what great Americans in the past wanted for us. That tax cuts DO infact work, that smaller government is the only way to succeed, and that rights belong to the people. Something so simple however, is yet so hard to obtain.

Thank you for reading my first blog post and I will expand on these ideas in a later time. The future belongs to my peers and I. If America can't change with its already elected officials then me, and those like me will change it.

But thats it for now, to God be the glory, and shall conservatism prevail..
Ryan M.

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